press releases
Augusts 2, 2024
Whiteside County Fair Press Release
For further information, contact:
Todd Mickley, Director of Publicity
MORRISON – “Friend of the Fair” honorees. Since 1989, the board has sought to honor those who have made an extra effort to support and make the annual Fair as much fun as possible for all those who participate and attend the many shows and events.
The Whiteside County Fair Board is pleased to announce that the 2024 “Friend of the Fair,” is Whiteside County Sheriff Office.
During Fair week, the Whiteside County Sheriff’s Office provides reliable crowd control, premises security and locator services for lost parents when the need arises. The Whiteside County Sheriff’s Office also mans a tent each year that hands out deputy sheriff badges for aspiring law enforcement youth.
In addition, the Whiteside County Sheriff’s Office has hosted educational displays including the seat belt demonstrator, wrecked vehicles that protected occupants who walked away and the Mobile Operation Command Center Vehicle.
This relationship between the Whiteside County Sheriff’s Office and Whiteside County Fair dates back to former Sheriffs Butch Kimmel, Roger Schipper, Kelly Wilhelmi, and continues with current Sheriff John Booker and his staff.
In 2000, the Whiteside County Sheriff’s Mounted Patrol was recognized as the Friend of the Fair.
Thank you for supporting the Whiteside County Fair so we can continue on with this important part of our county’s heritage for years to come. Check out our website for more information about the fair at
White Oak in Whiteside County Designated as Legacy Tree

The iconic White Oak at the Whiteside County Fairgrounds in Morrison is the Natural Land Institute’s July Tree of the Month through their Legacy Tree Program
Rockford, IL – Natural Land Institute (NLI) is pleased to announce the July Tree of the Month is located at Whiteside County Fairgrounds, which contains a natural landmark: an ancient White Oak (Quercus alba) that has graced the land for more than three centuries. The tree is 90 feet tall, has an average crown spread of 103 feet, and a trunk circumference of almost 170 inches.
White Oak is the official state tree of Illinois and a keystone species providing life for an amazing diversity of creatures. This tree’s age is not a guess as retired Illinois Department of Natural Resources biologist, Randy Nyboer, took a core sample of the tree. The core is a thin circular cut into the tree by a special tool called an increment borer. The core sample, which does not hurt the tree, documents the rings in the wood: each ring corresponds to a year’s growth of the tree. This tree’s report, with some extrapolation, would add up to 308 this year!
Photo submitted of an unidentified man standing next to the oak tree at the fairgrounds.
This tree was growing in the shadow of Rock Creek for almost a century before Illinois became a state and well before the United States gained independence. The local region was mainly prairie but the creek provided a bit of a fire break that allowed some trees to survive in its shadow. Prairie fires regularly raged across Illinois, maintaining our state’s “Prairie State” motto and suppressing woody plants including trees. Luckily, as the town of Morrison was settled and the Whiteside County Fairgrounds created, this tree was spared and then celebrated as a landmark on the site.
White oak has deep rounded leaf lobes about equal to the indentations/sinuses – this leaf shape allows for ideal and efficient sunlight penetration into the canopy so the tree can maximize its photosynthesis. The foliage emerges silvery to pink in spring and turns wonderful shades of red (from burnt red to almost maroon red) in the fall. The mast of acorns of this species are a top food source for wildlife while the foliage host to an amazing array of insects. The acorns start to germinate immediately in the fall but wait until spring to send up new growth. Squirrels know this and often cut the emerging root from the acorn in the fall to ensure it as a food source to be retrieved later.

“The 153rd Whiteside County Fair opens August 13 and continues until August 17, 2024 so we recommend you stop by and pay homage to this Legacy Tree while you enjoy this County Fair,” said Alan Branhagen, NLI Executive Director. “If only this oak could speak of all the seasons it has witnessed – I’m sure it would have some stories to tell! We hope to collect acorns from this magnificent tree and offer them to our membership at a later date. We guarantee the tree will have good genes and pass along a legacy of one of the finest trees in our region.”
Natural Land Institute launched the Legacy Tree Program in January of this year. It includes recognition of one tree a month that may be the largest of its kind, or have historical or cultural significance. Anyone may nominate a tree on private or public land from NLI’s 12 county region. Other components of the program, a list of the 12 counties, the online nomination form, and the tree of the month since January can be found at:, or by emailing .
The Natural Land Institute, an accredited land trust, is a 501(c)3, not-for-profit land conservation organization based in Rockford, Illinois and has protected 18,000 acres of natural land in Illinois since 1958. NLI’s mission is to create an enduring legacy of natural land in northern Illinois for people, plants and animals. For more information or to donate: or call 815-964-6666.
July 16, 2024
Whiteside County Fair Press Release
For further information, contact:
Todd Mickley, Director of Publicity
MORRISON — The Whiteside County 153rd Fair is a month away and another impressive lineup of entertainment is in place that is sure to wow all crowds! The Fair opens on Tuesday, August 13th and completes after five amazing days on Saturday, August 17th, and you will not want to miss it!! The 153rd annual fair, held at the Whiteside County Fairgrounds in Morrison, IL, has many exciting attractions and something for everyone.
On Tuesday, August 13th the evening entertainment is Next Level Pro-Bull Riding starting at 7:00 p.m. Cheer on as these brave cowboys prepare to hang on for 8 seconds while their four-legged nemesis tries to spoil their plan. Other events to start the fair off are the Pleasure Horse Show at 9:00 a.m., Open Swine Judging at Noon & Jr. Swine Judging at 4:30 p.m., Kids Tractor Pedal Pull at 2:00 p.m.
Wednesday, August 14th at 7:00 p.m. we will have Next Level Pro-Bronc Riding. This event will involve a rodeo participant riding a bucking horse (sometimes called Bronco) that attempts to throw or buck off the rider before the 8 seconds is up. Originally based on the necessary buck breaking skills of a working cowboy, the event is now a highly stylized competition that utilizes horses that often are specially bred for strength, agility, and bucking ability. Other events during the day are the Exhibition Barrels that will start at 8:00 a.m. and Western Horse Speed events and Dairy Judging at 9:00 a.m.
Thursday, August 15th the 7:00 p.m. grandstand entertainment will be Full Throttle Monster Trucks featuring the world-famous “BIG FOOT” followed by our popular fireworks show. If you missed the amazing show last year, you would not want to miss it this year at the Whiteside County Fair. Not only will you see some spectacular jumps by the monster trucks, make sure you stay to the very end so you can see the fireworks right after the show. Other events that day will start at 9:00 a.m. with the Beef Cattle-Jr. Show being judged at the Beef Show Arena. The Heavy Horse Hitches, including 4 Horse will be in front of the grandstand at 9:00 a.m. and Heavy Horse Halter Classes at 1:00 p.m. also in front of the grandstand.
Friday, August 16th The Illini State Pullers Association brings in their “souped up” Tractors & Trucks that will pull the heavy-weighted sled showing off the horsepower under the hood in front of the grandstand again this year at 6:30 p.m. right after the Antique Tractor Parade that starts at 5:30 p.m. During the morning at 9:00 am. the Heavy Horse Hitch Classes will be shown in front of the grandstands The Open Beef Show will be judged in the Beef Show Arena at 9:00 a.m. also. At 1:00 p.m. the Heavy Horses come back as they thunder in front of the grandstand to entertain you with the Big 6 Horse and Unicorn Hitches.
Saturday, August 17th at 6:30 p.m., the car crushing, adrenaline pumping, smoke-filled Demolition Derby will finish off the fabulous five fabulous days of crowd-pleasing entertainment and what is sure to be an amazing experience for all who attend! The horses are at the post as Harness Racing is on the track at 1:00 p.m. Some other events on Saturday are Kids Tractor Pedal Pull at 11:00 a.m. & Wood Carving Auction at 4:00 p.m. As always, the fair board works very hard to provide something for everyone, please come and enjoy the fair!
The Mega Band is back again this year, and the Wilson Family Show will entertain fairgoers with their outstanding carnival and midway attractions. Patrons can ride unlimited rides every day of the fair for $60.00 (if purchased in advance the week before the fair at the Secretary’s office) or $70.00 during the fair. Granpa Cratchet Stage Show will return this year along with our Bike Give Away each day of the fair and the Cake/Pie Walk. Pony rides, petting zoo, barnyard revue/pig races, and camel rides. This will be throughout the day, every day.
Thank you for supporting the Whiteside County Fair. There is no doubt without your continued support, our fair would not remain as we have enjoyed over the years. It’s no secret with the budget cuts the State of Illinois has imposed, we need your help and support to keep our fair going strong so we can continue with this important part of our county’s heritage for years to come. Check out our website for more information about the fair at
We can’t wait to see you there!
May 9, 2024
Whiteside County Fair Press Release
For further information, contact:
Todd Mickley, Director of Publicity
MORRISON — The Whiteside County Fair is extremely excited to announce that we will have Full Throttle Monster Trucks back again on THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 2024, and you will get to see the famous BIG FOOT truck at this year’s fair.
Monster trucks have been a favorite form of entertainment and excitement for decades. Since the 1970s, forms of monster trucks have raced, done tricks, and smashed several cars. Make sure you don’t miss this exciting night of entertainment at the Whiteside County Fair. You will get to see several trucks in front of the grandstand at 7:00 p.m.
The Fair opens on Tuesday, August 13th and concludes after five fun-filled days on Saturday, August 17th.
Please continue to check the Whiteside County Fair Facebook page and website at for updates.